Yeast infection, or candidiasis, is a fungal infection of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as nails. The disease is caused by yeast and yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida – hence the second name of the disease. It happens that yeast does not cause major symptoms, and fungi of the genus Candida are part of the natural bacterial flora of the human body and are found in the digestive tract.

Yeast infection – causes

The development of fungi is caused by favorable conditions such as:

  • Vitamin deficiencies – most often B vitamins
  • Peeling of the epidermis associated with excessive sweating (maceration)
  • Skin microtraumas
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Pregnancy and childbirth
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Alcohol addiction
  • Invasive procedures
  • Long-term antibiotic therapy
  • steroids

It happens that the cause of the occurrence of yeast infection is performed procedures and operations (e.g. valve surgery) or intravenous drug use. The disease may also affect the urinary tract as a result of catheter insertion after surgery.

infection yeast

Yeast infection can affect different areas and depending on this, other symptoms appear.

What is plaque and nail shaft yeast?

Yeast infection is a form of onychomycosis that is caused by Candida yeast. The lesions are usually located on the nail plates, but also on the surrounding nail embankments. The ailment occurs quite often, especially in employed women, e.g. as a laundress. A characteristic symptom of the disease is increased inflammation. Fungal lesions persist on the nails for a long period of time and are a potential source of infection for healthy people.

Skin fold yeast infection – yeast overtaking, manifested by redness, exfoliation and erythema, moist and exudative. Most often it develops on the hands, in the third and fourth interdigital spaces. It can also appear on hypodermic folds (in obese women), in the groin and between the buttocks – most often in newborns. It is often accompanied by itching at varying degrees of severity.

Vaginal yeast infection

Four types of Candida fungi cause vaginal candidiasis. Candida albicans is most often responsible for inflammation of intimate places. Regardless of the type of microorganisms attacking us, the effect is similar: they inhabit the vaginal bacterial microflora, causing unpleasant effects and symptoms. How do you know that yeast infection has appeared in our body?

– you are accompanied by persistent vaginal itching; is sometimes more troublesome than ordinary pain sensations;

– stinging and burning appear when passing urine;

– sexual intercourse is painful, you also feel vaginal dryness;

– Vaginal discharge has occurred. In contrast to the natural physiological secretions of the female body, they smell unpleasant and have a yellow or brown color, blood and pus also appear in them.

The above symptoms suggest that infection has started in the genital tract. It is necessary to quickly implement the treatment – especially in pregnant women for whom vaginal candidiasis is not only tiring but also dangerous.



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